College Recruitment

There are many opportunities for athletes to continue rowing at the collegiate level and beyond. College coaches are always interested in motivated athletes that demonstrate rowing experience, good technical skills, erg scores, and qualifying academics.

In the past, our coaching staff has been available for our Juniors to help establish contact with coaches at their dream schools, give advice on how to conduct themselves throughout the recruitment process, and to help cross out and narrow down their choices in order for them to arrive at their final decision.

Our Mission

Our wish, and goal, is to align our Juniors with the college that will allow them to continue to be outstanding in all of their endeavors, just as they have with us on the water. Regularly, our talented Juniors move onto top schools such as Harvard, Brown, UPenn, Columbia, Cornell, Yale, Dartmouth, Georgetown, University of California, Berkley, and the list goes on. We are extremely proud of the many SRC Juniors who have graduated to successful collegiate rowing careers and look forward to assisting others in the process.

Our Coaches

Our coaches are dedicated to providing the highest level of professional instruction and mentoring for both competitive and recreational rowers in a safe and supportive environment.

Visit Our Coaches Page To Meet The Entire Team